
An Bui x TDC Design Talk: Creative Coding - The emerging trend in digital design

by ToBeAddToCMS

In a compelling session organized by TDC Design Talk, An Bui, the Creative Director of Collective Design Agency (CDA), delivered a captivating presentation on "Creative Coding: A New Trend in Digital Design." This article summarizes the key insights and concepts shared during his talk, which aimed to broaden the understanding of creative coding within the digital design landscape.

Understanding Generative Art / Design

An Bui began his presentation by exploring the concept of generative art, which is not just about the final artwork but emphasizes the creative process and the underlying ideas. He quoted:

"Generative art is a contemporary form of artistic creation, where the focus is not necessarily on the artwork or final product, but on the process of creation and the ideas that underlie it."

Hans-Michael Voigt

Author of "Evolutionary Computation & Generative Art"

Generative design, or art, involves designing systems that produce outputs using specific algorithms or processes. This method leverages the computational power of computers to represent complex rules and patterns in design, making it a cornerstone of innovative digital art and design strategies.

The Role of Creative Coding

Creative coding is fundamentally about using code as the primary language of creativity. It involves the transformation of ideas, values, and messages into visual outputs through a meticulous process where designers leverage both their design insights and technical skills. An Bui outlined the journey of creative coding in his professional life, illustrating its application in visualizing processes, building brand identities, and expressing musical themes.

Applications of Creative Coding

Creative coding serves multiple purposes: 1. Scalability and Flexibility: It allows for the creation of designs that can easily adapt to varying scales and modifications. 2. Data Representation: Creative coding excels in turning complex data into compelling visual stories, enhancing the narrative power of the presented information. 3. Interactive Inputs: It can incorporate various inputs, including human interactions, making it a versatile tool in interactive design.

Learning Creative Coding

An Bui encouraged everyone to explore creative coding, stating that it is accessible to a wide audience—from artists and designers to programmers and hobbyists. For those interested in starting, he recommended platforms like Processing, an accessible Java-based language for creatives, and P5.js, a JavaScript version that brings creative coding to the web. Another powerful tool mentioned was TouchDesigner, known for its robust visual processing capabilities.

An concluded the event with a strong message on the democratization of design through coding. An's insights not only shed light on the technical aspects but also emphasized the philosophical shifts in design practice. Creative coding is not just a skill set but a new way of thinking about design, art, and interaction in the digital age. As CDA continues to push the boundaries of digital design, the exploration of creative coding remains a key element in crafting unique and impactful digital experiences that resonate globally. For more insights and discussions on digital design trends, stay tuned to our updates at CDA.